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ATTENTION: Feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and desire to people-please?


"How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty So That You Can Take Control of Your Life Instead of Life Controlling You"


With These Simple Tips, You’ll Set Healthy Boundaries And Take Back Your Life In No Time!




You may feel the desire to people-please with your family, friends, and people you happen to pass on the street. Though wanting to please people is not inherently bad, people-pleasing has numerous negative effects on the people-pleaser.


For example, it sets unrealistic standards, puts self-care on the back burner, decreases self-esteem, and increases stress and anxiety. All around, this overwhelming sense to people-please is dangerous to your health and others around you.


Creating Healthy Boundaries Requires Self-Discipline and Self-Respect

The only way to beat people-pleasing is to have intense self-discipline, self-respect, and knowledge of your inner voice. Though these items may sound easy on paper, they are extremely difficult to implement, especially for the people-pleaser.


Even for those who were not people-pleasers by nature, having the discipline, respect, and knowledge to say no to people can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward. So, it is imperative to set strict rules for yourself and others so that you know how to navigate these awkward situations.


The best way to set rules for yourself and others is by creating healthy boundaries. 

Boundaries are like invisible fences that you use to separate your feelings, needs, and wants from other people’s feelings, needs, and wants. The benefit of setting boundaries is that you will be able to take back your life, increase your self-esteem, and build healthier relationships with those around you.

Unfortunately, many people have no clue how to begin setting healthy boundaries. There are many misconceptions and misinformation about boundary setting, which makes it difficult to know how to begin if you've never done it before.

In order to create and enforce effective and healthy boundaries, it is imperative to have the tools and skills for boundary setting. Like any other task, boundary setting takes practice and knowledge.

With that being said, I am proud to introduce you to...



How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty So That You Can Take Control of Your Life Instead of Life Controlling You

Healthy Boundaries E-Book

$37.00 Regular Price
$17.00Sale Price
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